
Sf5 remember that dress
Sf5 remember that dress

sf5 remember that dress

Tutorial Mode) I won't have to rely on you guys for all the secrets. It's frustrating losing to a character you see maybe once a week and knowing it'll be another week before you get to try again. I do think that the general gameplay being so good is getting some of it back at least, I expect the game to have a long sales tail.Ĭonsidering battle lounge is broken right now (can't join any, if try to host it shuts down within 10 seconds) the best 2/3 option for ranked (and hopefully casual, I just turn them both on because I don't care) will be great. The lack of content at launch caused some real bad word of mouth. Sales estimates seem to have the game around 500k or so, which is still pretty bad for SF.

sf5 remember that dress

Basically any loss Arturo takes is 1-3 hours of work lost.Īlso I think there was a tie at 350k or so for all the people who have 0 LP. Top top players like Arturo Sanchez have a 95% win percentage and are basically stuck at Platinum, they farm Gold players for 35 points a piece then lose 241 when they get randomed out by an Ultra Bronze.

sf5 remember that dress

The top players in Gold+ are the ones who had 80-90% win percentages. In reality, you need probably close to 70% to get to Gold. In theory if you can hold above a 50% winning percentage, you should be leveling up. I was at one point having a 70% win percentage in SF5 and gained a grand total of 150 points into Ultra Silver, because every win was 25-35 points fighting other players, while I'd lose 80-110 points for every loss. Once you get in Silver, you generally lose way more points than you get for winning. The ranking system in SF5 is straight up shit. I wonder if they've hurt their population by not including the xbox. Sure, you want to have fewer people in the higher ranks-but that fewer people?Īlso, thinking that there are only 250k people in the game seems kind of depressing for a global title like this. How many people are in Gold? Like 1,000? And then what about the levels above gold? They're like only 100 people in them? Why have so many people floating around bronze and barely any people, comparatively, ranked at silver and gold. I don't know what to call the metal distinction. I just played a guy that was super silver and ranked like 3000. So that means like 150k people are ranked bronze, then maybe 20k people are ranked silver. But I was just playing a guy that was silver, at LP of around 2300, and he was like rank 8000. I think the lowest ranked bronze I've seen is like 200k. The lowest ranked person I've seen is rank 250k or so. There's something I don't get about the rankings.

Sf5 remember that dress